Monday, September 30


Why would you want to gain so much weight? I don't know.
I didn't want to but I did. 
I think I might be a stress eater.
But it's okay. 
Come November, I will be stress free and will unfatten myself.

If anyone wants to know how to gain weight real quick, here is how I did it:
-Eat a lot of nuts (A LOT)
-Eat 3 avocados everyday for a week (Last week, I actually did this for real. I'm down to eating 2 avos per day now).
-Eat a lot of sweet things between 8pm - 2am
-Spoon and eat a whole jar of peanut butter
-Go out to eat often

The serving sizes at Mamak are massive. My dish could probably feed a whole family of thin people. 
Ate all this in one sitting at Wise Cicada. Did not feel wise afterwards. Nor did I feel like a cicada.
Coffee with mumsy. I only ate the crunchy part on the top of the muffin. 
Delicioso at Mexico. Margherita yummo. 

Froyo at Whites & Co 
Vietnamese roll party at home. 
Revive salad. I reckon this is pretty healthy. 

Lunch at Tyler St garage. Not so healthy. But super yum.
This was yuck but I ate it all.