Friday, October 28


Christmas Lettuce Tree

Near the beginning of the year we planted some lettuce seeds in our garden. They grew into healthy lettuces and at the end of the season, we harvested and ate all of them. Or so we thought. A few months ago a lettuce popped out of nowhere and has been growing steadily since. It is now as tall as a mini-tree.

I have decided to use it as the christmas tree this year. In December I will decorate it with little shiny charms and sing carols infront of it.

Instructions on how to grow a Christmas Lettuce Tree:

  1. Plant a lettuce somewhere in your garden (preferably somewhere secluded)
  2. Forget about it for a few months
  3. Check back on it the next Christmas. It should look like the photo above
  4. Dig it up, put it in a nice pot and decorate with small ornaments

Gran is leaving tomorrow :( so here is a photo of her.