Monday, March 7


*I find that the weather is usually a very boring topic to talk about BUT this is an exception.

I really really liked the weather today. It was sort of like Summer and also sort of like Autumn at the same time. It was a little bit cold but not too cold and then it was warm and clear in the afternoon but not that warm. And now in the evening it's a little bit chilly with a hint of warmth.

I don't really have a favorite season. I never know what to say when people ask me what my favorite season is.

But I do have a favorite time of the year/weather- it's in between seasons: like the transition from Winter to Spring, or  Spring to Summer, or from Summer to Autumn. (But not from Autumn to Winter - unless it snows).

The weather is so magical in between seasons. It's also really vague and mysterious. Like today, I kept wondering, is it Summer or Autumn? It's almost like Summer and Autumn overlapped today.

The sky was so beautiful in different ways all throughout the day and the temperature of the air on my skin felt really nice. So I was in a very happy mood today.

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